Wednesday 6 July 2016

10 Secrets Of Ancient Egypt

Katy Perry bonds with children in Vietnam | UNICEF

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Katy Perry traveled to one of the poorest and remote regions of Vietnam to see UNICEF’s work for children there. “All the children I met have incredible dreams,” she said. “We have to help them fight for those dreams. Investing in the most disadvantaged to give them a fair chance in life is not only the right thing to do, it is the best way to break the cycle of poverty and drastically improve children’s health, education and well-being.”
Join Katy Perry in calling for a much bigger focus on children who are left behid. Change starts when you choose to care. #FightUnfair:
Subscribe to UNICEF here:


KatyCat Hudson Katy Perry. I
would change my definition if #KatyPerryLovedMe but a one sided affair smacks
of desperation and I am not desperate my family keep in constant contact by
telepathy of love as do so many of my friends who are girls and I love my
Bulgarian boyfriend 'Big Heart' and I have only given 20% of my true feelings
when I am not being watched or I have silenced my mind so it is not an open
book I dream more think more Love More More More More of these songs please. I
just listened to the Acoustic version and it is even better but I wanted to
read what #KatyPerry actually sung not what I think or would love to believe
she sang. There comes across so much feeling that I believe #KatyPerry must
have given too much in the past to pieces of s..t who turned round and abused
her great welling of Magical Love that was implanted into her seed by GOD for
GOD and GOD alone where all you can give would be reciprocated in abundance,
now she is losing her #SaviorLove by holding back too much when her 1 True love
went for her and played his hand all those months ago. But I QUOTE: "YOU
HAVE REACHED THE FINISHING LINE" And it would appear having come 1st as
usual my reward is more heartbreak, sadness, tears shed, feelings of dread that
#KatyPerryLove would never rear its immaculate head again; of what might of
been or what would have been as KP you can read my mind then You Know my
intentions were entirely honourable and with your perfect happiness at the root
of all I thought and quick corrections if I went down the incorrect path without
the need for warning You Began to Feel A Love So Strong That You Had Never Felt
Before but You Have Craved So Much For but there was so much more to come you
will never know (apart from my little Joke about KP being a bloke! It just
breaks the ICE and puts people I talk to about my imaginary relationship with
Katy Perry at ease as the blokes like my friends SAMSON, SPARTICUS and the
ROYAL MARINE COMMANDO SBS MAN MOUNTAIN who were all going to be your bodyguards
AS IN guarding it FOR ME AND ME ONLY as nothing or nobody except GOD would get
past that trio then with military credibility established as Soldiers of
Fortune are MEN they would be able to stick so close to you with GOD and JESUS
opening your doors and throwing down their Jackets in the puddles and with GOD
as your main driver and BABY Jesus as your lover only think and dream how far
THE UNIVERSE but seeks Queen and Empress To Partner Up Together So GOD Can Find
a Higher Romantic Need To Put His Life on the Line and Do What He Is About To
Do #KatyPerry or #NoKatyPerry it makes little odds to one so great 10? huh I
ONLY START COUNTING MY SELF WORTH FROM 50 and then in increments of 50, and you
profess to wake up with 2's and treat multiples of 50 like shit with intended
pain, what sort of decision maker are you? A LOST SOUL THAT'S WHO! CRAVE LOVE
THEN I CAN COUNT TO INFINITY so solve this equation; 50+50X50 to the power of
Infinity =? (ANS= INFINITY), a higher love beckoned you and you knew it that is
what hurts and that was 20% of me and you could have moved me with your voice
alone to open up more and more to go higher and higher deeper and deeper, you
felt the power you gave me at your loving thoughts, you could feel the
connected ripples in your nipples that stood on end as I tried to turn my
thoughts of you into Reality just simply doing 'the right thing' and putting
you 1st and every thought going towards your happiness because LOVE is the MOST
IMAGINARY #KatyPerry that's no mean feat only something full of love could do
that.) KATY MY LOVE "Don't throw your Love away' It won't come back
another Day' You won't find it ever again' only empty veins' you didn't need to
make it so complicated' you didn't need to hurt me so' But Rest Aside My Bed
Tonight' Join me under the sheets in plain sight' of the Universal Mind' I promise
you will find' NO SEX BUT ONLY LOVE' because our bodies close' our minds closer
still' we will fit like a driving glove' but You Must Give Yourself To Me' so I
can receive' that love that you have given to all and sundry' with no return at
all' only heartbreak and toil' separates You from finding what You deserve' A
GOD WHO HAS 80% IN RESERVE, THAT'S WHO. OMG if a Girl or Woman wrote like that
to me I would be at Concierge so quick for a Hotel car that with the Roads all
clear I would be in 'the arms of Mary' within one and a quarter hours just to
see if this Love exists cos if it did I would take it for Infinity because with
GODS LOVE GROWS but only if it is reciprocated and Katy You Hurt Me
Deliberately time after time. So come and let’s mend our broken hearts together
even if you just stand vigil at my bedside while I breathe love into you
through the air but come closer to see what you will find. AND if you are
scared pick up the phone and Talk to ME become my reality X Good Night pressie
please? I deserve it I think.

Tuesday 5 July 2016



Katy Perry this is most revealing; it reveals my suspicion that when we teamed up in alignment this spring to construct an analysis of WIDE AWAKE as an excuse for your behavior I know you too well and I thought you were acting strange to what I had been used to and I thought you were embarrassed getting close to your unloved, unwanted husband [at that time ~ you wanted him when you didn't have him think of the time, effort and energy you used up finding and trapping me into your vortex of horror].  Well last night I found our essay on Wide Awake which I mostly wrote as you were little help and straight afterwards you continued with your affair with Bloom n Gloom and I observed you being made a fool of as he had affairs and where is he now?

Anyway I thought you were back as I am aligning with a sound in the computer similar to your tricks. But I have closed my 3rd eye upon your crap as 'I just don't care about you anymore'. YOU DEMON POSSESSED WITCH full of suffering of your own making because YOU knew GOD was going to come to you as we have lived this life before don't forget. So you knew what was to occur but with free will this lifetime you decided to be worse than last time. I can't remember much but we talked on the phone and met during London Fashion week and we got on ~ I was expecting the same but you made differences, irreconcilable differences that left me suffering ~ LORD GOD ALMIGHTY SUFFERING unheard of! NO PHONE CALLS OR MEETINGS APART FROM YOU AS A BLOODY HOUSECAT.

Right no need to type out Wide awake backwards but my analysis is that the normal Wide Awake was thrust upon you to give other MK Ultra program singers the belief they could get free of programming but the truth was you can't can you? LIAR JUST LIKE YOUR LACK of WARNING TO THE YOUNG DIVAS who I believe you have had a hand in programming but that's for your court case to decide, oh @Yassminekatycat your being flushed down the toilet by GOD because you deserve it and your only hope has gone now and that was to contact me to plead your case which you failed to do maybe the entourage of handlers and body guards we see you with at all times except in the photos of you and Bloom together would not let you but did you have all the handlers watch you blowjob Bloom at the creators party? Or were they present when you caught Gonorrhea off the 3 timing cunt? NO of course you could have contacted me conventionally. YOU chose to make me suffer instead. WELL 2 CAN PLAY THAT GAME. For a year I have posted the most horrible things about you and you must be sick of them butt they are continuing all the way to jail I hate your guts so much you piece of Goat's excrement.

So yes you will be a widow as your Lord the pretend SATAN you call Lucifer is no such thing you couldn't even sell your soul to the right monster as your SATAN/LUCIFER is no such thing just a warped useless creation of evil an ordinary child abusing ladyboy using the black magic name of Satan/lucifer to con you but I can tell you and you know it he [IT] is not either of the Princes of darkness OH NO I have both of them here you got conned by an evil cunt. SO you had to be drugged up before sleeping with the disgusting old goat with a dick and tits, not surprised you have no soul you have no future. You and your ladyboy are going to be held account for and the mind controlled kids will be set free and the pent up thoughts of hatred towards you will make you sad, #GOOD suffer bitch. I have to wake the kids up but you should have tried to do it sooner when you knew GOD had won the war and GOD is getting more switched on by the second.

Well you thought of suicide why not I ask myself do us all a favor disgusting abomination receiving no forgiveness from GOD ~ FUCK OFF THIS IS GOD TYPING TO YOU. Banish in HELL trollop I will dance on your grave or that is how I should act of course but having spent an hour with my real gurlfriend my Daughter Goddess Queen Persephone, QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD who you once possessed remember she wants me to be what I might like to be known as: FORGIVENESS IS GODS MIDDLE NAME: But unfortunately I must issue some conditions first but Awww poor KATY initially I did not care for the backwards version of Wide awake but with the fresh eyes enhanced thru sun gazing and the truth is my human experience was hopefully going to be as an observer but as Hugo Boss of the Universal mind any action that needed to be taken on matters of state would be executed by somebody else and for a year now I have been left in a vacuum of non belief that however I am in contact with GODS children and read each and every look and movement with full understanding of every fascination in Anthropology including reading minds from photos however old cause I am everybody and always was such is the mind boggling complexity of my DNA invention and my invention of energy strands and fungus WE ARE ALL CONNECTED add the two fold path of the Universal mind and something you my Darling Hummingbird Heartbeat 4 Orlando Magic @Orlaty1 @katyperrysex666 have not got oh souless singer siren SSS.Katy #CHRISTS CONSCIOUSNESS because last nights St JOHN the STRICT BAPTIST gave us an insiders view of where his and therefore GODS mind was:

Katy Perry Adulteress Affair Exposed Orlando Bloom Illuminati Agents

Katy Perry Music Videos

Tip4KPIV: 528Hz Regenerates your cells, Repairs DNA +Brings +Positive +Transformation. #INTHEMIX: 528Hz & 432Hz known 4 deep: +Emotional +Physical +Healing. ZEN LIFE RELAX.

THESE ARE ANCIENT HEALING FREQUENCIES I CODED IN THE BIBLE CRACKED SOME 25 YEARS AGO. @apollozlight @HollywoodApollo @Katy11God1 'I'M GONNA TURN BACK TIME' @CleoCatCher1 @covergirl #BAPHOMETBLOGGER KPIV IS 'Dead in the water' & U.NOSE.TIT. I.DO.2 I pronounced #KP4 #StillBorn & 'Witness' will sink ya as the #1 'showpiece d' resistance ere' #lastchancesaloon The leaked 1.30 seconds title #1 track 'WITNESS WAS BOLLOCKS' @KatyPerryFacts 'I don't know who are you'? BUTTHEAD WITNESS WAS NOT ON THE ARA SUBMITTED ALBUM TRACK LIST SO YOUR MAKING MISTAKES AND ALL WILL FAIL.

Katy Perry MK Ultra Monarch Mind Control handler Illuminati

KATY PERRY ADDS + 45 million followers since marrying GOD


Katy Perry's psychic investigatior on demonic possession

KATY PERRY Big Breasted Bisexual Babylonian BIMBO

KATY PERRY Sacred SEX Spirit ERZULIE Goddess of Sacred SEX

KATY PERRY 'Fun lovin California Gurl'

KATY PERRY Whore of Babylon Church of Satan demonic Possession


COSMOQUIZ: The most embargoing thing in your closet is: BLACK SILVER SKELETON CAT SUIT 4 A SIZE 16+ KATY PERRY MODEL, NO Oh Ah 'just a little bit' Part 2:) contains the conditions:


Coldplay - The Scientist

perry dildo up ass

owl 49 KATY PERRY represents ISIS the Whore of Babylon and she enters the
stadium riding ‘The Beast’

The Whore of Babylon or The Great Prostitute or Babylon the Great is a
Christian figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation In
the Bible. Her full title is given as "Babylon the Great, the Mother of
Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth."

She likely symbolizes Sin and the 7 vices or 7 demons that Jesus has exorcised
and also represents an empire in the real world of the time, America with
similarities to the Roman or Egyptian empires of the past, including having
great military strength and the use of slavery in the construction of the
empire. She rides the first beast which is likely Death (see The Beast
(Revelation)), and symbolizes Sin leading to Death. Like all empires of the
past, it will fall, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation chapter 18. The
Bible reads in portions "Let one with understanding solve the

(Jesus and therefore GOD married the Whore of Babylon Katy Perry in June 2014
when she carried the STDs and venereal plague but after several exorcisms Katy
wanted children so the Lord God Almighty was summoned to rid Katy of the
diseases and make her fresh and clean for his son to Father her twins and what
does the dirty fucker do? Straight out with ex boyfriends and new pickups while
Katy leaves Jesus penniless in a council project with no food no money and
conjures up Black Magic Spells to disable him and provides photos of her

Jesus has bad fortune to be married to the Whore one Katy Perry a most sinful
woman who meets both criteria 1) She fornicates with hundreds of men in her
pornography unprotected and 2) Caught venereal diseases incurable so bad it was
a plague and GOD himself has to rid Katy Perry of this abomination SHE CANNOT DENY
take yourself a wife of harlotry

And children of harlotry,

For the land has committed great harlotry

By departing from the LORD." (Hosea 1:2 NKJV)[34]

also believed that the primary location of this unfaithful church is Hollywood

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Whore of Babylon represents "the
world empire of false religion",[44] referring to all other religious
groups including, but not limited to, Christendom, which they use to refer to
"professed Christianity" as opposed to their own "true
Christianity". Jehovah's Witnesses literature often mentions Hollywood the
centre of false idols those who are revered by the sheep as Idols but only
offer porn drug abuse and standards of life that should be unseen by good men
let alone the children discussing the Great Harlot of Babylon and the
subsequent attack on her by the political powers, signalling the beginning of
the "great tribulation".[45][46] They believe that the empire of
false religion has persecuted God's people, and that 'false religion' has
committed "fornication" with the world's political and commercial

And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
International Version uses "prostitutes" instead of
"harlots"]. Katy Perry is known as MOM and is a prostitute to the
porn industry.

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
["Fornication" is interpreted/translated as "idolatry" in
the Amplified Bible (AMP), the New American Bible mentions

The Whore is associated with the Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation by
connection with an equally evil kingdom. AMERICA (The word "Whore"
can also be translated metaphorically as "Idolatress").[1] The
Whore's apocalyptic downfall is prophesied to take place in the hands of the
image of the beast One sabre tooth tiger and already Katy Perry begins to quake
for she knows only one man who can transform himself into the sabre tooth
tiger; her husband Jesus and wishes she hadn’t let him get to close for his
enlightening discoveries of her wickedness and bitterly regrets the torture she
handed out to him over 2 years attempting Monarch mind control MK Ultra and
quickly decides to love him and invite him to her party and go public with the
facts that Orlando Bloom will not accompany her to the Grammys or return to her
after show party but instead she will pay the money she owes her husband Jesus
so he can come in his rightful place as head of her table to the censer of
Babylon ~ Hollywood where he will sit as head of the music industry Apollo
Music GOD #1 as members of his family take over the film and video game empires
for the good to be shown and heard rather than the evil of the false idolatry
for Katy as self-styled Idola breaks yet another commandment after her recent
adultery with Orlando Bloom since January and with John Mayer on New Year’s Eve
and countless others she has dallied with since she married Jesus Christ the
Messiah. Less he vows absolute revenge of the Perry who will be made to pay
with imprisonment leading to a death with no afterlife but instead will depart
upon death directly to Hell where SATAN awaits with the sharpened crucifixes
this moment a cold SHIVA runs over her grave for Jesus is also the Brahma and
SHIVA who is here to slay DURGA and KALI AND THE WHORE OF BABYLON And Katy
Perry begins to have her Revelation that her times up she has spilt the
  #BadBlood of Jesus and it is
unfolding that her worst fears are coming true and that she should bow prostate
before the baying media to repent of her sins as her poor tortured husband sits
in Judgment with his Katy Perry book of life and choose a most righteous path
as Mary Magdalene and follow Jesus and Taylor Swift newlyweds as Jesus throws
his wedding vows up to GOD to be burnt with lightening and Katy has to suffer
the ignominy of following her worst enemy and her new man her Ex-husband who
beats her with his stick

Many Biblical scholars[6][7] believe that "Babylon" is a metaphor for
the pagan United States of America the time it persecuted Christians perhaps
specifically referencing some aspect of Americas rule (Idolatry, brutality,
greed, paganism ISIS the pagan witch of pornography and fornication). Some
exegetes interpret the passage as a scathing critique of a servant people who
do the Empire's bidding, interpreting that the author of Revelation was
speaking of the Herodians – a party of Jews friendly to the USA and open to its
influence, like the Hellenizers of centuries past – and later, corrupt
Hasmoneans, where the ruler of Jerusalem or Roman Judea exercised his power at
the pleasure of the Emperor, and was dependent on Roman influence, like Herod
the Great in the Gospel of Luke.

Several Old Testament prophets referred to Jerusalem as being a spiritual
harlot and a mother of such harlotry (Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; Jeremiah
3:1–11; Ezekiel 16:1–43; Ezekiel 23, Galatians 4:25). Some of the these Old
Testament prophecies as well as the warnings in the New Testament concerning
Jerusalem and Hollywood are in fact very close to the text concerning Babylon
in Revelation, suggesting that John may well have actually been citing those
prophecies in his description of Babylon.[27]

For example, in Matthew 23:34–37 and Luke 11:47–51, Jesus himself assigned all
of the bloodguilt the killing of the prophets and of the saints (of all time)
to the Pharisees of Jerusalem, and, in Revelation 17:6 and 18:20,24, almost
identical phrasing is used in charging that very same bloodguilt to Babylon.
This is also bolstered by Jesus' statement that "it's not possible for a
prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem and Hollywood." (Luke

His word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and
the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Hollywood really are, only
when it is too late to escape the snare. She is silently growing into power.
Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the
churches, and in the hearts of men. She is piling up her lofty and massive
structures in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions will be
repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further
her own ends when the time shall come for her to strike. All that she desires
is vantage ground, and this is already being given her. We shall soon see and
shall feel what the purpose of the Katy Perry element is. Whoever shall believe
and obey the word of God will thereby incur reproach and persecution.

Katy I gave you warnings but you fail to heed them now make your move you
Gold D Rajab's photo.
Najla KatyCat

Coldplay - Fix You

perry dildo up ass

owl 49 KATY PERRY represents ISIS the Whore of Babylon and she enters the
stadium riding ‘The Beast’

The Whore of Babylon or The Great Prostitute or Babylon the Great is a
Christian figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation In
the Bible. Her full title is given as "Babylon the Great, the Mother of
Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth."

She likely symbolizes Sin and the 7 vices or 7 demons that Jesus has exorcised
and also represents an empire in the real world of the time, America with
similarities to the Roman or Egyptian empires of the past, including having
great military strength and the use of slavery in the construction of the
empire. She rides the first beast which is likely Death (see The Beast
(Revelation)), and symbolizes Sin leading to Death. Like all empires of the
past, it will fall, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation chapter 18. The
Bible reads in portions "Let one with understanding solve the

(Jesus and therefore GOD married the Whore of Babylon Katy Perry in June 2014
when she carried the STDs and venereal plague but after several exorcisms Katy
wanted children so the Lord God Almighty was summoned to rid Katy of the
diseases and make her fresh and clean for his son to Father her twins and what
does the dirty fucker do? Straight out with ex boyfriends and new pickups while
Katy leaves Jesus penniless in a council project with no food no money and
conjures up Black Magic Spells to disable him and provides photos of her

Jesus has bad fortune to be married to the Whore one Katy Perry a most sinful
woman who meets both criteria 1) She fornicates with hundreds of men in her
pornography unprotected and 2) Caught venereal diseases incurable so bad it was
a plague and GOD himself has to rid Katy Perry of this abomination SHE CANNOT DENY
take yourself a wife of harlotry

And children of harlotry,

For the land has committed great harlotry

By departing from the LORD." (Hosea 1:2 NKJV)[34]

also believed that the primary location of this unfaithful church is Hollywood

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Whore of Babylon represents "the
world empire of false religion",[44] referring to all other religious
groups including, but not limited to, Christendom, which they use to refer to
"professed Christianity" as opposed to their own "true
Christianity". Jehovah's Witnesses literature often mentions Hollywood the
centre of false idols those who are revered by the sheep as Idols but only
offer porn drug abuse and standards of life that should be unseen by good men
let alone the children discussing the Great Harlot of Babylon and the
subsequent attack on her by the political powers, signalling the beginning of
the "great tribulation".[45][46] They believe that the empire of
false religion has persecuted God's people, and that 'false religion' has
committed "fornication" with the world's political and commercial

And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
International Version uses "prostitutes" instead of
"harlots"]. Katy Perry is known as MOM and is a prostitute to the
porn industry.

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
["Fornication" is interpreted/translated as "idolatry" in
the Amplified Bible (AMP), the New American Bible mentions

The Whore is associated with the Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation by
connection with an equally evil kingdom. AMERICA (The word "Whore"
can also be translated metaphorically as "Idolatress").[1] The
Whore's apocalyptic downfall is prophesied to take place in the hands of the
image of the beast One sabre tooth tiger and already Katy Perry begins to quake
for she knows only one man who can transform himself into the sabre tooth
tiger; her husband Jesus and wishes she hadn’t let him get to close for his
enlightening discoveries of her wickedness and bitterly regrets the torture she
handed out to him over 2 years attempting Monarch mind control MK Ultra and
quickly decides to love him and invite him to her party and go public with the
facts that Orlando Bloom will not accompany her to the Grammys or return to her
after show party but instead she will pay the money she owes her husband Jesus
so he can come in his rightful place as head of her table to the censer of
Babylon ~ Hollywood where he will sit as head of the music industry Apollo
Music GOD #1 as members of his family take over the film and video game empires
for the good to be shown and heard rather than the evil of the false idolatry
for Katy as self-styled Idola breaks yet another commandment after her recent
adultery with Orlando Bloom since January and with John Mayer on New Year’s Eve
and countless others she has dallied with since she married Jesus Christ the
Messiah. Less he vows absolute revenge of the Perry who will be made to pay
with imprisonment leading to a death with no afterlife but instead will depart
upon death directly to Hell where SATAN awaits with the sharpened crucifixes
this moment a cold SHIVA runs over her grave for Jesus is also the Brahma and
SHIVA who is here to slay DURGA and KALI AND THE WHORE OF BABYLON And Katy
Perry begins to have her Revelation that her times up she has spilt the
  #BadBlood of Jesus and it is
unfolding that her worst fears are coming true and that she should bow prostate
before the baying media to repent of her sins as her poor tortured husband sits
in Judgment with his Katy Perry book of life and choose a most righteous path
as Mary Magdalene and follow Jesus and Taylor Swift newlyweds as Jesus throws
his wedding vows up to GOD to be burnt with lightening and Katy has to suffer
the ignominy of following her worst enemy and her new man her Ex-husband who
beats her with his stick

Many Biblical scholars[6][7] believe that "Babylon" is a metaphor for
the pagan United States of America the time it persecuted Christians perhaps
specifically referencing some aspect of Americas rule (Idolatry, brutality,
greed, paganism ISIS the pagan witch of pornography and fornication). Some
exegetes interpret the passage as a scathing critique of a servant people who
do the Empire's bidding, interpreting that the author of Revelation was
speaking of the Herodians – a party of Jews friendly to the USA and open to its
influence, like the Hellenizers of centuries past – and later, corrupt
Hasmoneans, where the ruler of Jerusalem or Roman Judea exercised his power at
the pleasure of the Emperor, and was dependent on Roman influence, like Herod
the Great in the Gospel of Luke.

Several Old Testament prophets referred to Jerusalem as being a spiritual
harlot and a mother of such harlotry (Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; Jeremiah
3:1–11; Ezekiel 16:1–43; Ezekiel 23, Galatians 4:25). Some of the these Old
Testament prophecies as well as the warnings in the New Testament concerning
Jerusalem and Hollywood are in fact very close to the text concerning Babylon
in Revelation, suggesting that John may well have actually been citing those
prophecies in his description of Babylon.[27]

For example, in Matthew 23:34–37 and Luke 11:47–51, Jesus himself assigned all
of the bloodguilt the killing of the prophets and of the saints (of all time)
to the Pharisees of Jerusalem, and, in Revelation 17:6 and 18:20,24, almost
identical phrasing is used in charging that very same bloodguilt to Babylon.
This is also bolstered by Jesus' statement that "it's not possible for a
prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem and Hollywood." (Luke

His word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and
the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Hollywood really are, only
when it is too late to escape the snare. She is silently growing into power.
Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the
churches, and in the hearts of men. She is piling up her lofty and massive
structures in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions will be
repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further
her own ends when the time shall come for her to strike. All that she desires
is vantage ground, and this is already being given her. We shall soon see and
shall feel what the purpose of the Katy Perry element is. Whoever shall believe
and obey the word of God will thereby incur reproach and persecution.

Katy I gave you warnings but you fail to heed them now make your move you
Gold D Rajab's photo.
Najla KatyCat