Monday 4 July 2016

HEADLINES: KATY PERRY FORCED INTO PORN PROSTITUTION. READ ALL ABOUT TITS. BIG BREASTED BISEXUAL BABYLONIAN BIMBO SEEKS REPENTENCE TO JESUS: "AND I say unto KATY PERRY; until JOHN the BAPTIST has jailed you there is little I can do but watch and observe as I am reserving my judgment."
Dear Katy, I am sorry I have just ruined your chance of happiness with your new man exposing it as a sham where he was dating 3 tarts at once 2 of them, pop tarts I know I had left you Official in October last year I could not however much I tried find even the slightest hobbit of interest in you or anything to do with you or your KatyCats you are about as attractive as a dose of clap however don’t give up just because of me I have standards and good taste I am sure you can continue to scrape rotten barrels and if you did your nails in deep hay you might find love and happiness you know what I mean (Check out drains and gutters find a match) butt keep your eyes off me, I never wanted you I only pretended to come back because the news broke that you had a new man and I thought this can’t be real no one decent would give you the time of V-day he must be a scoundrel and feeling sorry for you I had him checked out as a wrong un and as my new girl does not appear to know what the fuck she is doing or have any control over the boys that chase her, don’t get me wrong we are at the very summit now of the music industry and Taylor and I are so high above the world it is new territory and we must tread each step blindly together because no one has been here before it is the very cusp of a World takeover Taylor trampled all in her wake in Music and me in Global geo-politics. Nothing’s gonna stop us now. And in your pathetic case no-one either. Personally I feel Alexander your husband is right and you should be caged for the good of the children so I will sleep on it but the celeb-jihad question of whether ‘Katy Perry is bangable’ is a big No No and any weird warped sense of holding me back with your veiled threats makes no difference because I will haunt you playing Hot n Cold. YOU HAVE BEEN PROVED BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT TO BE A LOSER AND TRYING NOW FROM THE GUTTER THAT YOU CRAWL AND SLITHER AROUND IN IS NOT WORTH ME LISTENING TO HOWEVER FUNNY YOU TWATS ARE TO ME. Abraham has been so supportive of me an when I align with her like a rubber ball she always gives in but I have never tried anything with regards to manifesting anything I take what I am given and I am grateful but what sticks in my crow is you Katy and I think you have made a very bad decision in trying to make me wobble both yourself and through Abraham because all it has done is train my senses to know the moment that evil bull shit begins and when I should turn her off.
The one great thing about you is the realisation that when I love I attract anybody and anything, everybody and everything but as a contrast when I hocus pocus focus on hate i.e. KATY PERRY there is absolutely nothing that appears in front of me about you that I cannot pull to pieces absolutely everything is just a Golden opportunity to make you look a sad jerk. Even when your hiding under coats toing and throwing from your dates and infidelities with all the management skills of the US Army in action losing their wars and even the longest range grainy photos are handed to me with proof of you being a nasty piece of dogs vomit just like a scripted Hollywood B Movie all smoke and daggers, all illusion but the truth and light just seems to win every time and your evil fails and you had all the resources and money in our spiritual battle, all the advantages how could you be such a prick and lose.

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